Sunday, March 28, 2010

Living Large ~ 2010

My Life as a Little Cat ~ The Final Chapter

We know how the story ends, but I want to share my last chapter. New Year's Day was perfect and we watched the white pelicans off the balcony. I was looking particularly "bright eyed and bushy tailed"!

I never tired of this view ... it was always changing from morning to evening.

My fountain at home, which I loved and appreciated. It's hard to believe I've just had my 22nd birthday!

Here I'm checking out the frost damaged plants in February. I'm on a walk just after my high blood pressure episode.

Cruising through the kitchen door ... walking tall for 22.

Lounging by the fireplace while everyone watched TV.

The "Barbie fireplace" ... what an invention!

VERY comfortable in my heated bed. I think my fur looked beautiful that day - shiny, like when I was young.

Valentine's Dinner with my friend Denny. I have no idea where Elvis was ... poking around somewhere I'm sure.

Best friends by the fire. It really doesn't get any better than this!

Hanging out with Denny on the Patio and enjoying the sunshine.

This is how the fireplace works ... I would stand there (or just sit down) and suddenly the flames would appear. Magic indeed.

My Last Days ...

March 14, getting one last sip from my favorite fountain in Galveston.

Sleeping in the "sunny spot" in the hall before driving back to Houston.

Drinking water at my upstairs feeding station ... I've eaten many a midnight snack right here.

March 15, eating some "crunchy".

Nose to nose with "D"

Surveying the garage one more time.

The "Elvis escort" back to the house.

Just resting and thinking about my wonderful life.

March 16, the 3 Musketeers!

Waiting on the rug by the stairs with Denny. This is where I waited to be let out in front and it's where I waited when Jerry and Nan stayed up too late and I was ready for bed. It's also where I deposited countless hairballs!

Walking into the office with an Elvis escort.

Crossing paths again with El.

Spending the evening by the fire.

March 17, continuing on with my daily routine. I'm waiting by the front door for a quick walk onto the porch.

I'm in my "comfort zone" with Jerry and the boys.

Elvis and Denny were very concerned about me and watched me walk from my water bowl to my bed. They loved me with all their hearts and the feeling was mutual.

Sleeping in my purple "upstairs bed".

March 18, waiting in the office for Nan to come downstairs at 5:30am

While Denny ate his breakfast, I drank from my fountain.

Close up with the water bubbling.

Resting mid-morning in my heated bed.

Me and Elvis out in the sunshine for the last time.

Headed inside ...

with a special "Denny escort".

I held my head held high as we drove to see Dr. Rose, I wanted Nan & Jerry to be strong like me. The parting was sad, but in an instant I was free. No longer weighed down by the limitations of my very old body.

I'll visit from time to time and I look forward to the day that we are reunited in heaven.

The BrewZoo is forever changed and the transition will be difficult. But one day, years from now, those Maine Coon boys will welcome the pitter patter of tiny paws, just as I welcomed them, and the circle of life will begin again.

~ Little Brewer
(January 1988 - March 18, 2010)

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