Monday, March 1, 2010

Fun in Big "D"

This past weekend we went to visit "the Dallas Brewers" and celebrate Jason's 39th birthday on Sunday. We had a great time and the weather was cool/cold and beautiful on Saturday & Sunday. Friday afternoon ... not so much.

Saturday was a whirlwind of activity starting with the Meadows Museum at SMU. Luke & Zach liked the Mustangs, but their enthusiasm wained as we approached the museum. We told them it would be fun and that they'd have great stories to tell at school on Monday. Luke said his would begin with "we went to this REALLY BORING place ..."

The museum was very nice and fairly new (withing 5 years, I think). Many beautiful pieces, but the boys weren't impressed until Jason explained that several of the paintings (Picasso, etc.) would be worth more than their house ~ and even more than all the houses on their block.

We thought this wire sculpture of a head was the most exciting and Zach felt it was modeled after HIS head. And you can see it looks just like him!

Next stop ... putt-putt golf. Always a crowd pleaser.

Zach had a hole in one. Seriously! This is now the official "hole-in-one pose", adapted from John Travolta's in Saturday Night Fever.

This is the "hole-in-THREE" look.

It wouldn't be a trip to Dallas without the chicken/cranberry salad from Corner Bakery and cupcakes from the Society Bakery. Sooooo, instead of birthday cake, we picked out a variety of flavors on which to over-indulge in celebration of Jason's birthday.

Just a sampling. Number of cupcakes not representative of the actual number consumed. Number of candles also not representative of the actual age of the birthday boy either!

The Brewers ~ Jason opening presents.

Zach & Melissa ...

Luke & Jerry playing with the Lego men.

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