Saturday, March 6, 2010

Twins Arrive Early!

So after the "up & down" vet visit on Tuesday afternoon ... Jerry, Jeff, Kim and I went to the Rodeo to see Alan Jackson. All was well until Jeff & Kim got home and suddenly she was in labor. Doctors said it didn't have anything to do with the Rodeo ~ no reason, just happened. Needless to say, these babies are EARLY at only 24 weeks along.

I believe in miracles and I believe they are going to finish their development under the watchful eyes of God and the Texas Women's NICU experts. Please keep them in your prayers ~ they're doing great.

This is Miss Karsyn Jane Brewer ... 1.13 lbs

This is Mr. Kaden James Brewer ... 1.14 lbs

They're perfect but tiny. AND they'll share a birthday with my great-nephew Memphis Waller who turned one on their birthday ~ March 3rd.

I won't be posting on the twins, but you can keep up with their progress at or by clicking the "and so are the days of our lives" link under the My Blog List section of the Nan's Notes home page.

On another subject, I just learned that the email blasts containing new posts do not include the live video clips ... only still photography. If you guys want to see the video of the piano recital, you'll need to visit the blog. The web address is

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