Sunday, March 7, 2010

Memphis is One!

Hard to believe a year has passed, but my little great-nephew is one year old! We attended his "family party" on Saturday afternoon at the Waller's house. His "kids party" is this afternoon at the park.

The king on his throne ... wondering what's going on and why everyone is staring at him.

PLEASE, make the singing stop!

Oh, this seems fun. My own cake!

Oh yeah ... cake is good. It's chocolate! Mommy is smiling now, but wait until I'm finished.

Love the icing! I'm going to be covered soon.

Who needs a fork?

Cleaning up in the kitchen sink ...

Boy, this Bluebell Homemade Vanilla is good stuff. Hold still Nana, I don't want to miss it!

This is the "Got Ice Cream?" look. The "mustache" is on the bottom for ice cream!

My teeth hurt and WHY do they keep giving me CLOTHES? I'm sure he'll receive less practical gifts at the kid's party today.

Party participants

Grandma & Papa with Shirley, Darrell & Ray (aka, Daddy)

Grandma Shirley learned that she is a "cat whisperer". That's little Romeo (a Manx, but you can't see his tiny tail) stretched out asleep in her lap. It's a shame he couldn't relax.

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