Friday, March 26, 2010

Living Large ~ 2005

My Life as a Little Cat ~ Chapter Five

We kicked off the year in Galveston and this is me ready to drive home on New Year's Day. 2005 was a year of normal things. Everyone enjoyed good health and I celebrated my 17th birthday in January.

Check out my new "Wally Bed" ... very comfy!

Three cats in bed at the beach.

Enjoying my fountain.

Living on the edge.

With the boys on the patio ... look how big they've grown!

Uh oh! Elvis has found my sleeping cabinet!

In August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Although we didn't have any storm impact here in Houston, it was scary to think about what could happen if we were hit with a major storm. Here I am, stuck like glue to my best buddies.

Bay watch on the balcony.

In September of 2005, we were seriously threatened by Hurricane Rita - a Category 5 monster storm that turned at the last minute and hit just east of Beaumont. After the Katrina disaster, hundreds of thousands of people evacuated and the City was shut down for several days. We stayed and it was my first hurricane experience. No real damage, but it was a wild night.
Later that year, I enjoyed the patio chairs and sunshine in Houston

Looking out the front window, a favorite activity of the Maine Coon boys.

Overseeing Denny and Elvis on the back patio.

Ready for my close up ...

On a roll past the pretty Christmas Tree.

Group shot for Christmas - we seem a little cranky but we love each other.

New Year's Eve Dinner ... it's been another great year!

~ Little
(January 1988 - March 18, 2010)

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