Sunday, March 14, 2010

Galveston Girls Weekend

In 1988, I went to work for Texas Commerce Bank and had the good fortune to work on the same floor as Pam & Anita. We've been friends since the beginning and in March of 1990 we started "Girls Night Out" with two other co-workers ~ Trina and Beverly. We remember the date because it was the same month that Pam & Randy moved into their THEN NEW home in Pecan Grove.

The term "girls night out" is a little misleading because we're usually home by 8:30pm! However, back in the day, we did toss back a cocktail or two with dinner. As with all groups, you lose members along the way. Beverly and her husband adopted a baby and she quickly had other priorities. Ms. Trina broke up with her long-time boyfriend ~ when she learned from the Chronicle that he had married another woman ~ moved to Atlanta, got married to someone else and had two children. We kept up with Trina for years and years, exchanging emails and Christmas cards & we even had a reunion one year when she was back in Houston.

This is a long way of getting to the point ~ the three of us have had dinner once a month for TWENTY YEARS. We've celebrated career moves, a wedding (mine), new pets (all of us) & a new boyfriend (Anita's) ... consoled each other through losses and one L-O-N-G separation & divorce (Anita's). So in celebration, we decided to up the ante with a weekend in Galveston for our 20th Anniversary.

Here are Pam & Anita on the balcony for a beautiful sunset on Friday night ...

Walking on the beach Saturday morning. Wind was howling out of the north, so the tide was blown out leaving a nice wide beach.

Dinner at Rudy & Paco's Saturday night. We could only get a 5pm reservation, like the super seniors, so we were back at the beach house by 7pm!

Anita & Pam checking out one of the many Hurricane Ike waterline markers on Post Office Street before dinner.

Pam, Anita & Denny enjoying the balcony on Sunday ... when the wind FINALLY quit blowing out of the north.

Of course my boys were with us. Little, who has been around longer than Girls Night Out, camped each day in the "sunny spot" upstairs and Elvis joined him to wallow around and try to get some attention.

Denny loves Galveston and he's always in a good mood when he's there. Every morning ~ the second I get out of bed ~ he jumps onto the bed and goes crazy rolling around and then bounds up the stairs to get let out onto the balcony.

It's been months since the boys have been in Galveston and it was a treat for Little to be able to drink out of his favorite fountain one more time. It was a treat for me to see him doing this, considering his age and his health.

One last shot ... EARLY Sunday morning looking off the balcony towards the northwest. The low level fog is rolling over the ground and a seagull is coming in for a landing on one of the marina pilings.

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