Friday, March 26, 2010

Living Large ~ Maine Coon Madness

My Life as a Little Cat ~ Chapter Four

2004 was a year of change, like no other. While I recovered nicely from my thyroid condition, Big was feeling weaker. He still went for his morning & evening walk, but not as far.

On January 17, 2004, Big crossed the "rainbow bridge" and we missed him terribly. He was 18.5 years old and had done very well with his kidney condition, for longer than most cats, although he never would eat the prescription diet.

Here he is in "the office" on his last day. It was sad to say good-bye, but we both knew we would see each other again.

Adjusting to the loss of my friend was hard on all of us, so I doubled my efforts at providing companionship to Nan & Jerry. This is one of my favorite photos ... at the ripe old age of 16+.

Another beauty shot ...

In mid-May, trouble arrived in the form of two eight week old Maine Coon kittens. We had discussed one kitten early on, but after seeing them and selecting our Elvis they couldn't leave the redhead behind.

Meet the boys ... Velvet Elvis Brewer and Lord Medley ... aka Denny

They were so good in the car driving home from Dallas ... they slept.

and slept

and slept

It was great for me that the kittens came from a breeder because we "exchanged scents" via baby blankets once or twice before they arrived on the scene. I knew they were ours, I just didn't know what to do with them!

They loved me from the first day ... worshiped me actually ... followed me around ... attacked me ... played with my tail ... it was endless.

Look how little Denny was!

This photo isn't very good, but we quickly bonded and soon spent almost all our time together.

Sometimes you had to just look the other way. They were W-I-L-D, but it kept me young to keep up with them.

I was napping with Nan and Elvis piled on and fell asleep on top of us!

Me and El on the balcony ... as we would spend many hours in the future.

That Elvis is a little copy cat! He learned this from me.

The three amigos ~ this was one of our favorite activities.

As you can see, Elvis was quickly becoming as large as me and he was my best friend.

What can I say?

This TV cabinet was where I went to rest without the boys ... it was warm and private.

We were a team ...

Halloween 2004. Elvis' ears look like devil horns!

My present, for taking in the boys, was this marvelous fountain for the balcony. It was just what I needed.

Who would have dreamed that I would drink from this fountain for the next 5.5 years!

Christmas 2004 ~ good looking Santa

My Santa hat fit fine, but those antlers were a nightmare for the boys.

December of 2004, looking fat and happy.

After a tough start, it had turned out to be a wonderful year. And then on Christmas Eve, it snowed!

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