Friday, March 26, 2010

Living Large ~ 2006

My Life as a Little Cat ~ Chapter Six

Life was good in 2006 ... good health and good friends. Take a look at this photo ... who does it remind you of?

My big adventure for the year was meeting Rascal. Rascal is a beautiful and very nice Sheltie and he came to the beach house that April. We got along instantly ... he was so calm and sweet. He passed the "cat test" on the first try. When I turned my back on him he didn't try to chase me.

Here we are on the balcony and Rascal is waiting for me to pass.

We had a nice long nap in the living room and the funniest thing happened. Denny liked Rascal too, but pretty much left him alone. Elvis on the other hand could not stay away. He had been sleeping on the bar stools and when Rascal went to sleep, he crept down on the floor and was trying to sneak up on Rascal. When Elvis was about 2 inches from Rascal's nose, he woke up and raised his head - he didn't bark or make a sound and he didn't chase - but Elvis jumped backward in the air about 15 feet.

Later that same day El was downstairs by the front door when Rascal came down for a walk and Elvis got so scared he jumped from the doorway over Rascal's head and half way up the stairs - in ONE LEAP - just to get away from him. Never figured out why he was so frightened, but we all got a laugh out of it.

Smart dog ... loved my fountain and I was happy to share.

Look at that pile of kitten toys behind me. Those boys are too spoiled!

Getting the good sleep at home in the office.

Too cute for words.

With my buddy Denny on the balcony. Denny LOVES the heat as much as I did.

Stretching out and soaking it up.

The three of us enjoying a nice day at home.

Christmas 2006

Denny the New Year's Eve prankster ... trying to get a game going.

~ Little
(January 1988 - March 18, 2010)

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