Saturday, March 6, 2010

Two Steps Forward & One Step Back

Tuesday afternoon was Little's one month check up after our last vet visit. His blood work was perfect ~ anemia gone and everything within normal levels ~ his BP was completely normal. All good news except he had lost weight. After talking to Dr. Rose about his eating habits she poked around on his stomach and identified a mass.

Although we would not do anything about it, I wanted to get a little more information so we did an xray. This confirmed several things. He has a kidney stone in each kidney ~ she said from the look of it they've been there for a long time and neither is causing a blockage. Again, we won't do anything about it, but it does help to explain the periodic kidney/bladder issues he's had for a number of years. His kidney function is very good for a cat his age.

The xray also confirmed a "soft tissue mass" of some sort either inside or beside his intestines. Smaller than she thought, but impossible to diagnose without invasive testing. Since we're not doing anything to cause him pain, we're just forging on and waiting for Little ~ and God ~ to decide the next move.

Here he is on the patio, enjoying the sunshine with his best buddies ...

It's too dark, but Elvis is lurking in the shadows ... he's more of a "cool weather cat".

Little & Denny are both "heat seeking" cats and LOVE the warm sunshine!

My boy ~ looking good at 105!

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