Thursday, February 25, 2010

Denny & the Dove

Every year - several times a year - this dove and her mate build a nest in the rain gutter off the balcony. She's somewhat protected since most of the weather moves in from the northwest this time of year and she gets a little protection from the eave of the balcony roof.

At least once a year, the eggs are lost to a big storm that prevents her from warming the eggs & ultimately washes the nest out. It's heartbreaking to watch because she is one tough dove and endures some difficulties to keep her eggs safe. I've seen her sitting on those eggs in terrible rain storms.

So Toni & Ray made me some special "dove gables" to place under the eave of the balcony, but I didn't get them hung in time for this hatching. Here she is back in the rain gutter.

Since she's out there in the elements, I was worried about the rain/sleet/snow on Tuesday so that morning I took some bird seed and cotton nest liner and hung it in easy reach of her nest. Denny goes out on that balcony every morning when I make the bed, so of course he went outside.

I went about my business and maybe 3 or 4 hours later I'm working away in my office and keep hearing a faint meowing. So I did a "cat count" and realized that I hadn't seen Denny in a while. Looked all over and then it hit me ... he had been locked out on the 2nd floor balcony IN THE COLD ... for hours!

He was like a little kitty Popsicle when I let him in, but seemingly no worse for the wear! Ms. Dove is still sitting on her eggs ... I'll post pictures of the baby doves if I can catch a shot of them.

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