Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Remembering Ruth

One year ago today, my mother-in-law Ruth Brewer passed away at the age of 94. She was an amazing woman who enjoyed great health until the last few weeks of her life and was always surrounded by a loving family. It's comforting to know that she's at peace - in her version of heaven ... Winnsboro, Texas.

Ruth loved sunflowers & they were a good match for her sunny personality.

The Brewer clan at Shady Grove (2/05/09)

The Brewer/Jarred Family cousins (2/05/09)

My favorite photo of Ruth, Jerry & Norma - taken at her 90th Birthday party (5/02/04)

Jerry & Ruth - outside the little church at Shady Grove - taken during one of our many HOT journeys to Winnsboro to participate in the annual "memorial service" tradition. (8/10/03)

Another shot from Shady Grove with Ruth, Jerry and nieces Kathy & Betty and nephew Don Ray (8/10/03)

No tribute would be complete without including a photo of her constant companion during the years she lived with the Luther's. She and Cutler became fast friends and spent lots of time together outside in the sunshine!

So today, raise a glass of Dr. Pepper - with LOTS of ice - and celebrate Ruth Brewer and a life well lived. Godspeed Ruth.

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