Wednesday, October 2, 2013

And Homeless Squirrels

The trip to New York was a blast and we flew back on Saturday evening. As we arrived, our driver asked about the flight in because a strong thunderstorm had recently moved through the area.  The flight was great, but the question explained the time we spent bobbing and weaving around the skies over Houston ... pilot avoiding the thunderheads.

Sunday morning, I look out my office window and see a young squirrel.  VERY young and one that I've not seen before.  Shortly, he was joined by another of the same age, but slightly larger.  They enjoyed the day in the bird feeder ... eating, napping and soaking up the sunshine.  Super cute. They're snuggling and sort of helping each other and it's pretty obvious that they've never been without their mom.  I fear they were blown from their nest during this storm that we missed because they're really young.

You all know that the birds and squirrels get fed around here and the cost is well worth the show - they provide 24/7 entertainment for the boys and I enjoy watching them as I work.  So I'm worried about these baby squirrels and hit to order an enclosed squirrel feeder to hide behind the bushes that they could use as a safe nest until they are large enough to climb back to their family home.  I'm just hoping to keep them safe until it arrives.

I get up on Monday morning and Elvis is throwing a fit to go out for a walk on his leash. It's just after 5am and I'm telling him NO. He will not give up, so I peek out the shutters and it's still dark, but I can see two tiny squirrels cuddled up and shivering in the corner of the bird feeder.  Not good.

As the sun came up, they were joined by a THIRD young squirrel, obviously a sibling, and they spent the day in and around the bird feeder.  At this point, I'm actually happy that I threw away $35 on a special squirrel feeder/house that they can use as a nest because they're not safe sleeping in a bird feeder.

So I'm watching them while I work and notice that two of them come and go from the feeder - they're playing around in the bushes - but one never leaves. He eats and walks around and he moves from the feeder to the window sill and back, but when he is alone he just lays on his side in the corner to rest.  He is the smallest of the three and as I'm watching him closely it looks like he's not holding his food right.

Then I see it - he is missing his left paw from just below the elbow.  It's just GONE!

Lefty - he does have a right paw, but it's tucked into his chest fur. 
You can see the left arm in this photo. 

I'm on a client conference call when I see this and can't even focus for thinking about this poor little squirrel and how difficult his life will be ... IF he manages to survive.  I'm flashing back on the SPCA and wondering what kind of appointment I'll need if I show up with a "special needs" squirrel!

These photos are TERRIBLE because I'm shooting down through a double
pane window, but if you look closely, you'll see the shortened left arm and
the fingers of his right paw on the "stub end" - just below his elbow.

In case you're wondering ... squirrels LOVE biscuits!

I know that there are squirrel rehab volunteers - I've actually rescued a pair years ago, but they were much younger.  I'm wondering what to do and wishing I'd thrown away a few more dollars on overnight shipping for the squirrel house.  St. Francis de Assisi is workin' me!

Now I understand why he never left the feeder - he wasn't strong enough to get down or to climb back up the bushes to get back to the platform when he was hungry again.  I also understood why I woke up to two tiny squirrels huddled together in the corner of a bird feeder - completely exposed to predators.  "Lefty" wasn't strong enough/brave enough to leave the feeder and his sibling risked it's own safety to huddle with him and keep him warm and safe through the night.

Nature is both cruel and amazing.

Aside from only having three full legs, he looks fine - there is no open wound that I can see from about 2 feet way and he's using his elbow to help hold his food.  He uses it to balance and to hobble around - seems to be gaining his balance but he does get tired.

By Monday evening, they're getting used to me and the cats staring at them through the window and have started to LOOK IN at the cats!

That's Lefty on the feeder, holding onto the window sill with one paw.

"I 'taut I 'taw a puddy-tat!" ~ said Tweety about Sylvester

A favorite activity around our place every morning - squirrel watch from the balcony as I make the bed and get ready for the day!

Watering is a scary thing for them ... water suddenly spraying out from the sprinklers and me dragging a hose around to water the potted plants.  They leave and huddle in one of Harry's windows and wait it out. They won't come near me and bolt if I get too close.

A ball of squirrels - all three of them are there.  Look closely behind the larger
siblings and you'll see Lefty against the corner.  They always protect him!

They're all growing and Lefty is much stronger.  The four-legged baby squirrels are using the bird bath to get water and I've got a little cut off cup on the ground for Lefty to use. He even plays with the others using both of his arms to maul them like they do to him - but he's not ready to jump onto the large planter and then drop onto the bird bath. 

I'm hoping he can get strong enough to climb - the others are now climbing to get to the nut cakes ... hopefully he'll get to that stage as soon as his partial left arm is strong enough to use.  They've got a safe hiding place, although I'm not sure how much time they're spending in the squirrel house.  The initial food I put in there is basically gone, so I know they do go in there.  I've tried not to touch it because I don't want to scare them away.

I'm thinking he can make it if he doesn't get run down by a car.  Hopefully he won't try crossing the street until he's much larger!

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