Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fun in New York!

We missed New York in 2012 and made a return trip this fall so Jerry could go to a Yankees game with a client.  I was happy to tag along and visit some of my old haunts while he was watching baseball.  At the last minute, plans changed with the client and I got to use the ticket.  I've been to New York well over a hundred times, but have never been to Yankee stadium, so that was fun.

We flew up on Thursday morning and wandered the streets, stopping by my original NY office at Grand Central Tower, with lunch at the Comfort Diner, and a quick visit to Grand Central Station.  For those of you that haven't seen it, about 10 years ago they restored the ceiling to its original glory ...

Passengers running to make the next train ...

Later that afternoon our car picked us up to head to the Bronx ... Yankee Stadium here we come and what a beautiful sight it is.

Inside the stadium is just as spectacular ...

Before I go on, I need to say that Jerry's client is the ultimate Yankees fan.  He has never lived in New York, but owns a pair of Legends Seats, which provide the users with an amazing experience ... from dining in the Legends Club

... to the fourth row seats near first base and all the perks that accompany those willing and able to support the team at this level.  I have no idea what these seats cost each year, but it's entirely possible that number exceeds BrewerETC's annual profits!

As we were sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic from the mid-town to the Bronx, we were talking with the driver about the Yankees record and how the game didn't mean anything in terms of the season - but it did.  As it turns out, by the Yankees missing the playoffs for the first time in ages, it was the last home game for Mariano Rivera.

Exit the Sandman ...

They had a special ceremony and presented him with a watch and some other memorabilia.  The weather was great and we had a good time - in spite of our allergies.

Near the entrance, they have a tribute to the original stadium with a huge bronze medallion from the building.

We headed back into the City and ended up walking part of the way back to our hotel because traffic was INSANE due to the UN meetings.  I have not seen security that tight since the weeks following 9/11.  I'm talking concrete barricades in the streets around major hotels, bomb sniffing dogs in and around our hotel and others, police sub-stations set up in tents every few street corners.  SECURITY, with a capital S.

Here's one of my favorite sights ... the Helmsley and Met Life buildings on Park Avenue at night.

Friday was another walk & shop-a-thon that started with Jerry's shave & facial at the Art of Shaving.  We covered Manhattan from the Carlyle at 76th - with stops along Madison and 5th all the way back to the Roosevelt at 45th and Madison.  For anyone familiar, YES the Roosevelt has remodeled since the Chase days.

Here's a view from our window and the building across the street where I watched and waved at the sniper on the observation deck.  He waved first.  Frankly, he looked bored and probably thought we were nuts for leaving the drapes open.  Needless to say, we felt very safe!

When we're in New York, if it's Saturday it's SoHo and this trip was no different.  Breakfast at Balthazar's ... scrambled eggs in puff pastry and sour cream hazelnut waffles ... who can resist?

For a couple of "foodies", New York is paradise and the only saving grace is the walking.  We put in about 8 miles a day as we happily shopped, ate and enjoyed a few cocktails!  SoHo is always fun and we have our favorite spots that would bore normal folks.

American spirit was in full swing at the Converse store. This wall is covered in red, white and blue Converse high-tops forming an American flag.

Just as the NY stores feature a wider variety of merchandise - they get the new stuff first and many items that never make it to other parts of the country - the merchandising is designed by some amazing creative folks.

The Ralph & Ricki Lauren store featured two walls of antique sewing machines - very cool for anyone interested in antiques or fashion.

You'll see a lot of things in New York, but something I'll never get over is the sight of ancient water towers on top of buildings in the middle of the city.  They're everywhere!

And in contrast to a century old wooden water vessel is the gleaming new Freedom Tower ... rising up in glory against a sky as blue as the day the twin towers fell.  We're headed back to New York in December and I can't wait to get a closer look!

And if these beauties are still at the Kate Spade store when we go back, I'm wearin' them home!

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