Friday, October 25, 2013

Can a Three-Legged Squirrel Climb a Tree?

Yes he can!

While I don't have an update on the homeless cats - they seem to have disbursed from their original "camp site" - I do have updated photos of the baby squirrels.  I'm happy to report that all three are alive and well.

Hey, what are these green beans doing in our feeder?

It's hard to tell in most of the photos, but you can see how small they
are compared to a half piece of lettuce.  This is Lefty.

There has been a great deal of activity on the street lately, ranging from a broken water main that required part of the sidewalk to be dug out just north of our house (COH has not returned to replace it yet!) and a major construction project across the street, so the squirrels have missed a few days, here and there, at the feeder.  I didn't see Lefty for two days after the water main issue and was afraid he had met with an untimely demise.

Sibling in the feeder and Lefty on the Window Ledge

Lefty (on top) Wrestling with Sibling Squirrel

Lefty (see the short arm?) checking out a piece of lettuce.
The three youngsters have grown, but they're still pretty small compared to the adults who stop by for a spare sunflower seed or pecan.  Even though they're not very big, they've really gotten stronger in terms of climbing and jumping and running around. 

One of the active siblings getting a drink from the bird bath.  Doesn't
take them too long to figure out how to get what they need!

Lefty standing up an holding onto his sibling on the window sill.

Lefty on window sill planning an attack on the feeder!

Sitting in the shade and eating his snack

They're no longer sleeping on Harry's window sill (behind the burglar bars where predators would have a harder time getting at them) and must have either gone back to their family nest or built their own in Harry's magnolia tree. They go in and out of the Brewer squirrel house, but I don't think they're sleeping there. Luckily, they're not crossing the street like the adults do - some live in Mary Louise's magnolia and the others live across the back fence that borders the next townhouse complex.

Larger squirrel (spring baby) playing chase with the younger guys
Anyway, I was pretty happy to see Lefty again after his absence.

Little Lefty
Later that same day a HUGE hawk swooped down and landed on the large potted plant near the sidewalk.  The small birds saw him coming and immediately jumped under the bushes for safety.  I was kind of stunned because the thing was really large and only a few feet away from my desk at the window.  As I grabbed my camera, Jerry said I'd better run it off because it would eat the squirrels.  YIKES!  What's keeping them alive could also make them a victim!

After the hawk incident, the squirrels stayed in the bushes and just reached up into
the feeder for snacks.  You'll have to click on this image to see if full size and
you'll see the squirrel just in front of the feeder.  They're crafty!

I tried to get a shot, but he quickly flew away when he heard the front gate open.  Haven't seen him since and I do hope he stays away.  I feel bad for him - I'm sure he's starving and has been displaced by the thousands of trees cut down in Memorial park, but I really can't have a hawk coming over here and picking off my birds and squirrels ... and cats!

Yesterday, during their morning visit, two of the baby squirrels were playing around and running up and down the crepe myrtles.  I assumed it was the two with all four paws and then I realized one of them was Lefty!  YEAH!

I caught him on the downward climb, but you can see his little short arm that he actually uses to climb on the way up.

One tough squirrel!

Overcoming the odds ... he's a climber!

His little brother or sister (who knows?)

And I couldn't resist this little guy ... he looks so pretty
on the red planter with the green leaves matching his skin.

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