Friday, October 25, 2013

Seeing Dr. Rose

With my recent event schedule, I've put off the boys annual visit to Dr. Rose - the shots always make them feel bad and I like to do it when I've got a few days to be with them after they've been vaccinated.  Yesterday, I called asking for an appointment for today and was told she was booked, but that if I could come RIGHT THEN she could see us.  Well, you know that's a challenge with the Velvet Elvis ... he needs pharmaceutical personality enhancements before we go to the vet.

Since I didn't want to wait another week, I decided to risk it.  I tossed a few drops of Rescue Remedy down his throat, put on his Thunder Shirt and off we went.  He was remarkably well behaved - only hissed twice, which is a record for him.

He got a good report except that his weight chart was a cautionary tale ... as a baby kitten, he started off at 2 pounds and is now tipping the scales at 17.75 pounds with some of that bulk as fat around his belly. Dr. Rose said the fat deposits put him at high risk of diabetes and kidney disease and "with a cat like Elvis" we don't want to get into a situation where we need to do regular blood work or give daily injections.  No kidding.

So I've got to cut out the nightly cat treats - a favorite time of day for both of them - and she'd like for me to get him onto 100% canned food because the protein content is higher than crunchy and she feels he would lose the excess weight.  I couldn't promise that - it's rough around here when his crunchy bowl is empty, but I am going to scale back and try to walk him more for exercise.  The walks will make him happy, although I'm not sure they'll make up for treat time.

Here we are on the way home ...

Looking Stylish in his Thunder Shirt & Harness

Perhaps a Wee Bit STRESSED OUT - look at those ears!

After I got Elvis home, I went back with Denny.  Was very curious about his blood pressure readings - he's improved over the 210 spike this summer, but I haven't given him the Rescue Remedy as often since his last reading of 165.  Anyway, he got a great report too and his BP was 142. YEAH!  It's still not in the "healthy range", but he is at minimal risk of eye damage at these levels than he was at 210.

Look of relief that he's on the way home.

Checking out the traffic and offering commentary.

In contrast, Denny's weight chart showed a slow and steady climb from kitten-hood to adult - it leveled off and then climbed again with another stable plateau.  He's smaller than Elvis, but isn't carrying around ANY belly fat.  Of course, he eats the cat treats too, but he seems to burn them off.

Here are some cute pictures of them over the last week ...

He's so tired ...

My Beautiful D

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