Sunday, January 8, 2012

Elvis is an Artist

In the ever expanding world of iPad applications, I found a fantastic game for cats with three options: a laser game, a floating butterfly and a mouse to chase. Just before Christmas, the developers released a new add-on that allows your cat to paint as they paw at the electronic mouse. Very cool technology.

Ike didn't really know what to think - he's not into electronics. Denny watched the mouse for a while and then looked at me like I was an idiot. Elvis LOVES it and now seeks out my iPad and will pick it up with his teeth (by the rubber case) to get me to turn his game on. If I've got the iPad in my hand, he'll come sit by me and watch whatever I'm doing - waiting for me to let him play with the mouse.

I wasn't too sure about the painting, but he's really getting into it! Here are a few of his works of art ...

This was a special painting to cheer Mom up after being moved from Methodist to The Hampton.

He was in a very expressive mood on New Year Eve when he painted this one ...

His latest piece in black and white - he's really getting into his brush strokes!

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