Sunday, January 8, 2012

The '80s Were NOT a Friend to Fashion

We've been going through Dad's things and came across a packet of photos from a Family Reunion in 1988. This is a classic ... permed hair ... Vaurnet sunglasses ... Reebok High-tops. 'nuff said!

Just to be sure we are identified in all our glory, here's the run down - Nan, Mary, Kent, Toni (in front), Suzanne, Ed, Grandpa Bonura and Mom.

Uncle JoeLee, always a fashion icon, Grandpa Bonura and Dad

JoeLee, Aunt Bunt, Grandpa Bonura and Aunt Mary Louise, sans gold handbag and shoes (LOL!)

Grandpa Bonura with Toni

Fun shot of Aunt Bunt with Kent. She was something else ... let's just say she was ahead of her time. Women like her forged the way for the rest of us to be successful in business and to life life free of the expectations of generations past.

And, just for fun ...

Hey, at least we were thin!

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