Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hotel Havana

As I've already mentioned, we met a Director of Jerry's bank for dinner and a show in San Antonio.  At their recommendation, we stayed at Hotel Havana - a 27 room hotel originally built in 1917 by a local grocer as a "residence hotel" for his buyers, when they were in town.  After our last experience at the Hilton Palacio del Rio this was a welcome change! 

Hotel Havana

Mismatched antique furniture, old chandeliers and beautiful hardwood floors and walls - just a fun experience compared to the normal chain hotel.  It's located on the north end of the Riverwalk, about a 10 minute walk from the madness of the tourist traps.

We had a nice dinner, followed by a testosterone-laced guitar fest by Eric Johnson in a local club, owned by a friend of Scott and his wife.  Eric Johnson is apparently a big deal among the guitar set and he CAN play, both blues and some serious rock guitar.  You know the saying, if it's too loud, you're too old ... well, apparently I'm too old!  Actually, it wasn't the volume of the music - it was the standing up (for hours) and the HEAT from the open patio doors.  Regardless, we had a good time.

Saturday morning we were up early for a long walk on the Riverwalk ...

Artist's Exhibit Under Freeway!

Lily Pond Along the Riverwalk

followed by breakfast at Ocho.  Let me tell you, if you are ever in San Antonio and happen to stay at the Hotel Havana, go immediately to Ocho and order the Havana Jo's Banana Bread for breakfast.  Toasted, warm banana nut bread topped with a blob of crunchy peanut butter, sliced bananas and a drizzle of honey.  Yummy!

Jerry Checking In

After our "official walk", we headed back over to the brewery area, where we had seen the show, so I could take a few photos of the Pearl Brewery.  My Dad's sister, Aunt Bunt, worked for Pearl her entire career and this logo was a fixture in our house, and our Beaumont grandparent's house, for as long as I can remember.

Cheers to Aunt Bunt!

Pearl Brewery Stables

Texas Transportation Company
We had another dinner on Saturday night at Paesano's on the river and after walking into the heart of the tourist area, we were even more happy to be staying at Hotel Havana.  It was very quiet, but I will admit to being awakened about 2am on Sunday morning to what we thought were gun shots ... ha!

Sunday morning we were up, out of the hotel and on I-10 headed home by 6:15am.  We needed to get back to check on Denny.  When we arrived, both he and Elvis were fine and happy to have us home to let them out on the back patio.

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