Sunday, July 14, 2013

Galveston, Oh Galveston

Between work, more work and a little travel, we haven't been to the beach for a weekend with the cats in a while. My birthday weekend was a great opportunity, so we headed south.  Took a long walk on the beach that Saturday and saw an amazing display of pelican fishing prowess!

The fish were running that day and the pelicans were fishing in pairs - it was wild.  I'll never understand how they can dive bomb and hit that water head first without breaking their long necks, but they are fishing machines when they get a chance.

We celebrated a beautiful sunrise Sunday morning on the balcony:

Also put down our new outdoor rugs, which were immediately christened with cat hair by the boys.

I love this photo of Denny yawning - he looks kind of crazy!

Sweet "D"

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