Monday, July 1, 2013

Amazing Acapulco

Two years ago, we stayed at Casa Tres Palabras with the Dallas Brewers and had such a good time we bought the trip again at a charity auction last fall.  Arthur and JoAnn Keller came with us and we had a blast.
We arrived in ACA at 2:30pm on Thursday, June 27th and were greeted at the airport by Fredo, our villa houseman, and Cecil, our "new" driver. It was great to see Fredo again!
Acapulco Bay from the Palapa
The house looked exactly the same and we enjoyed a welcome snack - and margarita - under the big palapa, then relaxed and unpacked.  This year, we vowed to spend more time at the villa, so we had a delicious Mexican fiesta, with bananas foster, prepared by the cooks. You've all seen photos of our first trip to Casa Tres Palabras, so aside from a few stunning views I'll try to focus on new activities.
Sunset Behind the "Big Pool"
Friday morning I was up early for a run, then a long walk with Jerry down the hill.

Making Our Way Down the Hill
Fabulous Orange Blooms on these Trees
Morning exercise was followed by breakfast of French toast con tocino - Zach, we missed you! After our massages, we swam and sunned with served lunch under the palapa.  Late afternoon, we enjoyed shopping "the market", which they delivered and set up in our main room.  
Blooming Cactus at the Villa
Friday night, we had dinner out at Zibu with a stunning view of Puerto Marquez.  The food, the view, the music were amazing!
Arthur & JoAnn

Jerry, Studying the Wine List at Zibu
There's really nothing like the sight of Acapulco Bay at night.
Night Lights
Up early again on Saturday morning for a run, breakfast and half-day of touring.  We returned to Capella de Paz, since Arthur & JoAnn had never see it.
Jerry, Nan, JoAnn & Arthur - Puerto Marquez Behind Us
On our way back down the mountain, we stopped at Villa Largovista.  An incredible, old Acapulco villa with stunning views ... it's for sale, but out of our price range.
Villa Largovista - Courtyard & Front of House

Open Portico with View of the Bay

What a Pool!

On Top of the World

Back of Largovista with Capella de la Paz Cross in the Background

I had to include this one ... as we were walking through the kitchen we see this.  Hmmm ... OK.  Gotta respect a cook who has no intentions of calling 911 - she'll just take care of business herself!

Mexican drug lords, be damned!
For anyone who visited Acapulco in the 80's - or for anyone old enough to have purchased Bain de Soleil products during that timeframe - no tour of Acapulco would be complete without a stop at the Villa Vera.  Two years ago, it was shut down (never repaired after a storm), but we were happy to learn that it is being remodeled and will soon reopen.  In spite of Cecil's negotiating, we were not allowed on the property!

Red Clay Courts of the Villa Vera
On to The Flamingo Hotel - or what's left of it.  Growing up, JoAnn and her family traveled to Acapulco every year and they even stayed at The Flamingo during it's hey-day.  The hotel is being renovated and they've recently purchased John Wayne's old home nearby, with plans to rent it out to tourists ... for a price.

Blue Pacific Crashing into the Rocks at The Flamingo
Cecil, our driver, talked the manager into taking us back to see the original home of Johnny Weissmuller, purchased during the filming of Tarzan and still owned by the Weissmuller family.  Casa Tarzan wasn't much to look at by today's standards, but it was cool to see.

Steps to Casa Tarzan from Lookout Point

Weissmuller Home
We followed our morning tour with a questionable lunch at Paradiso - more on this later.

Beautiful Beach with Big Waves

JoAnn is HOT!
More swimming and sunshine that afternoon with a shrimp dinner at the villa that evening. Montezuma's revenge ensued in the wee hours ... could have been the my sensitive stomach and several days worth of margaritas OR more likely, something I ate!
Definitely not up early for the morning run - Jerry had to make his long walk down the hill without me.  The toast I had for breakfast stayed down, which was a victory.

Sunrise on Another Beautiful Day
On Saturday, Fredo had mentioned us visiting a beautiful 16 room villa owned by an insanely wealthy Italian who own hotels in Italy and Monte Carlo.  This special place is managed by the same group who handle Beau Thierot's properties and Fredo said they would take us if we would like to see it and enjoy a day at the beach - or directly on the water, anyway.
So after another round of massages - my reflexology done upright, as I was fairly sure I would need a barf bag if I laid down for a regular massage - we loaded up for the big villa experience.  
Two words ... holy smokes! 
We arrived at the villa, which resembled a fortress, and Fredo entered the security code - the big iron gates swung open and we drove into a beautiful courtyard with several large "houses" that he referred to as "a few of the bedrooms".  This wasn't the house.  
An "Upper Bedroom"
We headed down a long path that wound through a landscaped area and he pulled a leaf off of one of the trees, rubbed it and handed it to us to smell ... clove. I'll be looking up how cloves are grown, but I didn't think it was a tree.  Color me clueless.
Winding Paths Through the Compound
Tropical Paradise
Down a flight or two of stairs, with various twists and turns, we arrive on a wide patio connected to a fantastic open air living room, dining room and kitchen with smooth adobe walls and brightly colored paintings.

Open Air Living Room - Side Entrance

Outdoor Dining/Reception Area

Front Entrance to Open Air Living Room
Open Air Dining Room
Detailed Painted Columns
We said "this house is beautiful" and Fredo said "this isn't the house".  Onward we go to a lovely pool area where Jerry thanks Fredo, telling him we are really going to enjoy it.  Fredo says "this isn't the pool we're going to."
NOT the Pool
And then we see it ... sparkling like a blue jewel just above the water.
Of course, it's the pool near the helicopter pad!
Cecil, Fredo and Hermes, assistant houseman, toted our lunch, bottled water, soft drinks and margarita mixers all the way down to the water so we could enjoy the day in the salt water pool and palapa.
JoAnn on Float, Arthur under Umbrella & Jerry on Lounge Chair
House Manager of the Big Villa, Cecil & Fredo

Cecil & Hermes - Margarita Lesson

JoAnn and me, waiting out a rain shower

Hermes, exhausted from mixing margaritas!
To the left was the private Las Brisas Beach Club

Las Brisas Beach Club
And two houses to the right was Villa Arabesque, built by the late Baron Ricky & Baroness Sandra di Portinova - famous for hosting Hollywood and political elite for many a year.

Villa Arabesque
Looking up from the beach area and salt water pool, you can see the main house.

THE House! - At Least Part of It

Boys will be boys, and Arthur and Jerry decided to swim in the Pacific - launching themselves off the bulkhead, swimming about 30 yards across the bay to this bridge and then realizing that there was a bit of current to contend with.  Judging the tide proved challenging.

Arthur & Jerry Swimming Under the Bridge to the Beach
You can't see it from the wide shot, but THIS is what the water looked like under that bridge.  Arthur got caught in the current and was smashed against the rocks more than once.  Neo-to-Go for those cuts!

Shifting Tide
Our last evening was spent under the palapa with a beautiful red snapper dinner prepared by the villa staff.  We were already discussing how quickly we could make another trip.
Monday morning I ran before the sun came up and was treated to a spectacular show.
Monday Morning Sunrise Over Acapulco Mountain

Jerry calculating staff tips!
After breakfast - French toast as our send-off meal - we caught a few more rays ...

Jerry & Me in the Sun Pool
Then we wandered the villa taking photos and dreading the airport process that would accompany our flight home.  This is a happy place and we can't wait to return.
Fredo & Hermes

Villa Tres Palabras - I Love You

Bless this house and keep all who enter safe.

Blue Skies & White Clouds

Both Pools with the Upper Balcony
Adios Acapulco, see you next time!

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