Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Trip to Austin

I'm a month behind on my blogging, so I'll catch up today (3/20) in the rain!

Our February trip to Austin was a good break from the issues I'd been dealing with and we stayed at our favorite Austin hotel - the beautiful Four Seasons on the banks of Town Lake.

We enjoyed a few long walks/runs and I took advantage of perfect lighting to shoot a few photos of the Congress Ave. bridge reflecting on the lake.

Another angle ...

After finally getting some rain, there were beautiful blooms on the bushes ...

and the squirrels were out in force looking for snacks and eating from the top branches of trees.

Along with some "R & R", our main purpose was attending the wedding reception for the son of our long-time friends, Joe & Diane Appolito. It was held at the Zilker Clubhouse - a venue that none of us knew existed, but offered a spectacular view of Austin.

You can click on the panoramic image for a larger view.

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