Friday, June 4, 2010

Water Clear ... Tar on the Beach

Memorial Day 2010 ~ I found tar on west beach for the first time since 1996.

The water was clear and warm and overall the beach looked great, but I picked up several shells coated with tar and then later found a sand dollar size lump of tar.

It reminded me of growing up and going to Galveston. Mom always telling us to "wear our old swimsuits" so they wouldn't be ruined by tar. And having to use those special cleaner wipes ~ containing God only knows what chemicals ~ to remove the tar stains from our feet and rubber flip-flops.

While I don't believe this tar came from the BP spill ~ it was dark and very firm, not like the reddish, spongy oil turning up on the eastern Gulf shores ~ it is interesting that tar has once again returned to Texas beaches.


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