Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun at the Pool

Sunday morning we hit the Houstonian and had lots of fun. First down the water slide is Jerry, since the photographer was out of the water.

Next is Brady ... ALONE on the water slide


There aren't any photos of his daredevil antics because I was in the water to "catch him" as he shot off the end of the slide. Anything he saw the older kids doing he wanted to do ~ and Grandpa let him. Numerous feet-first slides on his stomach, facing backwards. Only one head-first belly slide, as the lifeguard blew his whistle and reminded us "HE CAN'T DO THAT!"

Quite comfortable with the resort lifestyle.

Back to the slide!

Hanging in the deep end (Grandpa is just out of frame).

No, he didn't need a nap. WHAT was I thinking?

If you're reading this in email form (not on the blog), you may have to visit the blog site to view the video clip ... here's a link Have a great week!

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