Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Let it Snow!

History was made on Friday, December 4th, when the earliest snowfall was recorded in Houston and across southeast Texas. Not only was it the earliest snow ever, it was the 2nd year in a row that Houston saw flakes fly!

Can't see it in this photo, but there ARE snowflakes falling ...

Little - who has been around to have seen just about everything - took it all in stride. He took a nice walk and then came in to dry off and nap in his heated bed.

Elvis couldn't figure out what was getting on his fur coat.

Denny was very excited ... looking around with the wind whipping his tail in the air!

Ike thought it was strange and was pretty happy to return to his warm and safe room. No photo of Ike since he wasn't on a leash.

Very little snow accumulated, but it was great fun to see it fall!

Another short clip:

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