Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Celebrations Continue ...

Saturday after Christmas we visited with Ed & Hope ... no photos but great burgers! On Sunday, the Dallas Brewers came over to celebrate with us, Norma & Bob and the Pearland Brewers. Fun was had by all!

Norma & Bob ...

Brady building tower after tower with cousin Zach and (engineer) Uncle Jason

Zach and Jason creating a new design ...

Luke and Uncle Jeff taking a Nintendo DS break from the action.

Nerf-darts are a BIG hit with this crowd! Luke and Zach are dueling it out.
Melissa and Zach in hand-to-hand combat.

Two against one with Luke & Zach pelting an un-armed Jason.

Zach's birthday is December 30th and we gave him his present early. You can see that it was taken over by the adults (if you could call us that). Here's Jason under fire from Melissa while trying to escape on the PlasmaCar.
Zach trying to get his birthday present back!

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