Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Babysitting Brady

Saturday night, Jerry & I went to Pearland to spend the evening with Brady while Jeff & Kim had "date night". It was loads of fun.

Here's Brady (& Jeff) waiting in the cold for Grandpa's arrival

"Outside" is a BIG DEAL for Brady. We played with the dogs and on the swing.

After thawing out a bit, we needed to go back outside ... this time to the front yard. Grandpa introduced a new game called "throw the ball over the tree".

Hmmm ... that didn't work out as planned. What should we do?

Good idea Brady ... let's throw the other ball into the tree to knock the first one out.

Uh oh ... that didn't work out too well either.

Let's comb Grandpa's hair ...

Now that's we've had "pizza pizza" for dinner, let's climb on Grandpa ...

More wrestling ...

Sweet Brady giving hugs.

Then up for more climbing and sliding on Grandpa. (click the play button to see the video clip) It was fun and Jeff & Kim enjoyed their movie.

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