Thursday, March 19, 2009

We've Got the Bathtub Blues

So you may be wondering how the construction this week has turned out. Well, this could be a short post because ALMOST NOTHING happened. The master bathroom is still just a shell. Bathtub delivery was delayed until Friday & plumber #2 has pushed the project back until NEXT WEDNESDAY.

On a high note, the glass shower doors will be installed tomorrow & since the towel bars arrived today they can be installed tomorrow, as well. It will be nice to have a bathroom almost finished upstairs. Of course, the mirror is still on order & Jerry has to shave in the downstairs powder room.

Since there was no tub and no plumber, I took 1/2 day off today to go to the Rodeo with Jeff, Kim and Brady. Here are some photos of Brady's day. Also attaching a great shot of Elvis ... he was thrilled that the contractors weren't here much this week.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I'm so glad someone's joined me in my crazy blogging world!!
