Friday, March 27, 2009

Plumber #3 ~ Days 2 & 3 ... Real Progress

I'll hit the high points of yesterday ... plumber #3 was here for another 9 hours, sewer water dripped onto the dining room wall and floor - TWICE - a pipe burst in the wall behind the master bathroom cabinets that had to be replaced going from the hot water heater in the attic all the way to the first floor. After being without water for about 5 hours, he turns the water back on, checks it, leaves and then ... ta da ... NO WATER COMES OUT. He came back about 45 minutes later to fix it.
Today, he arrives before 8am to fill the tub with water and blow expanding foam underneath to serve as a solid bed. Juan arrives shortly after 8 and the first words out of his mouth are "this tub isn't level". Fantastic! He spends over an hour chipping away at the expanding foam to re-level the tub. It NEVER ENDS! More challenges lay ahead with "granite guy", but Juan called in his father to help. Hot damn and hallelujah! The two of them re-frame the tub and install the right decking for the granite. Granite guy might come back tomorrow to measure (again) ... I should take bets on whether that happens.

Here are a few snaps ~ the new, new undermount tub looks OK and it's beginning to take shape ~ easier to see what we're working towards. Cats are happy the crew is gone for the day!

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