Friday, March 27, 2009

Plumber #3 ~ Days 2 & 3 ... Real Progress

I'll hit the high points of yesterday ... plumber #3 was here for another 9 hours, sewer water dripped onto the dining room wall and floor - TWICE - a pipe burst in the wall behind the master bathroom cabinets that had to be replaced going from the hot water heater in the attic all the way to the first floor. After being without water for about 5 hours, he turns the water back on, checks it, leaves and then ... ta da ... NO WATER COMES OUT. He came back about 45 minutes later to fix it.
Today, he arrives before 8am to fill the tub with water and blow expanding foam underneath to serve as a solid bed. Juan arrives shortly after 8 and the first words out of his mouth are "this tub isn't level". Fantastic! He spends over an hour chipping away at the expanding foam to re-level the tub. It NEVER ENDS! More challenges lay ahead with "granite guy", but Juan called in his father to help. Hot damn and hallelujah! The two of them re-frame the tub and install the right decking for the granite. Granite guy might come back tomorrow to measure (again) ... I should take bets on whether that happens.

Here are a few snaps ~ the new, new undermount tub looks OK and it's beginning to take shape ~ easier to see what we're working towards. Cats are happy the crew is gone for the day!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Plumber #3 ~ Day 1

Several people asked for updates, so here are some photos. The new Kohler UnderScore tub arrived first thing Monday morning and waited alone in the master bath until the plumber arrived yesterday. Would have posted last night, but my head hurt too bad from the PVC pipe glue fumes.

Also have a funny incident with Denny from Tuesday afternoon. When I was shooting a few photos, he came into the bathroom to look around. Next thing I knew he was gone. Then Elvis shows up and starts poking around the big hole in the floor where the new bathtub drain will go. Sure enough, Denny had gone "walk about" in the crawl space between the first and second floors & was ignoring my calls. He finally popped his head out of the hole so I could get him out. I think he looks guilty in that last photo!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

We've Got the Bathtub Blues

So you may be wondering how the construction this week has turned out. Well, this could be a short post because ALMOST NOTHING happened. The master bathroom is still just a shell. Bathtub delivery was delayed until Friday & plumber #2 has pushed the project back until NEXT WEDNESDAY.

On a high note, the glass shower doors will be installed tomorrow & since the towel bars arrived today they can be installed tomorrow, as well. It will be nice to have a bathroom almost finished upstairs. Of course, the mirror is still on order & Jerry has to shave in the downstairs powder room.

Since there was no tub and no plumber, I took 1/2 day off today to go to the Rodeo with Jeff, Kim and Brady. Here are some photos of Brady's day. Also attaching a great shot of Elvis ... he was thrilled that the contractors weren't here much this week.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

About the Master Bath ...

Everyone has been asking me about the construction - since it has gone on for so long - so I decided to blog about it and include a few photos. We had a plumber issues last week that caused a major work stoppage. Tomorrow, our general contractor will return to complete the demolition of the master bath mirrors and begin rewiring and replacing sheet-rock while we wait on the new, new bathtub. There should be big progress next week ... but I guess I said that LAST week too!

Disregard the hot pink lumber ... that was the framing for the beautiful drop-in Portrait bathtub that will be going back to the manufacturer, per Plumber #2. Don't ask about plumber #1, although he may have made the right decision to "no-show" two weeks ago. We will be installing a rectangular under-mount tub with a granite topper. It will still be pretty, but the Portrait tub was my vision for this bathroom. Juan will have to reframe the area to support the drop in tub and granite slab.

In this photo of the cabinets the mirrors haven't been removed and the old shower plumbing is still hanging from the ceiling where a wall was taken out. That will come down when Plumber #2 gets back. You'll notice that you can see Elvis through the giant hole in the bathroom floor ... it's a great view from the living room & provides easy access for the dust to flow through the house.