Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Weekend - NOT in New Orleans

Although we were supposed to be in New Orleans, we had a great time in Galveston. We took Good Friday off and headed south with our little zoo. Friday evening, my friend the osprey stopped by to survey Lake Como from his perch atop the sailboat mast. It was good to see him - I hadn't been to Galveston in 3 months.

Our Velvet Elvis showing Jerry the love!

And a beautiful sunset ...

I love watching the pelicans and caught an interesting shot of this one with his neck stretched out looking down into the water.

... and preening his feathers

One of our hibiscus blooms (before the pruning)

While out on the course, we saw the MetLife blimp

Jerry playing golf

While walking, we saw this huge driftwood tree that was washing up on the beach.

Beautiful sunrise on Easter morning

I didn't take this shot, it was shared by a fan of The Waterman and is beautiful. It was taken at sunset from a boat near the marina with the sun setting behind the pilings - a very appropriate image to celebrate Easter.

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