Saturday, April 14, 2012

Batter Up!

We recently had the opportunity to see one of Brady's softball games - he is turning into quite a little athlete. Here is is "warming up" with coaches Grandpa and Jeff.

In the outfield during the game

At bat ...

Leading off at 2nd base ...

Running to 3rd ...

and sliding in at home plate!

And a big Brady smile after the game

Jeff, Kaden & Karsyn - Jeff was holding Karsyn and then Kaden joined in and little sister wasn't thrilled to be sharing Daddy. It was kind of funny.

Kaden's "new thing" is poking you and then smiling and smiling - here he is poking grandpa.

Karsyn leading the cheering section ... YEAH!

Kim, Karsyn & Kaden, Team Brady's cheering squad.

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