Saturday, August 6, 2011

Habla Bien de ACA - Day 5 ACA

We saw many banners on local businesses featuring the phrase "Habla Bien de ACA" - encouraging visitors to "speak well of Acapulco". There's even a FaceBook page for visitors to share their experiences. The locals, who seem to be nice, hard-working people, have been hurt badly by the drop in tourism due to gang/drug violence issues.

Jake & Fredo told us that they've had 10 cancellations on purchased trips to Casa Tres Palabras and Casa Las Colinas. The owner even cancelled twice because the guests he was bringing backed out at the last minute. He recently spent two weeks there without incident and we were kept safe during our trip. It's a shame because, in many ways, Acapulco has improved since our last trip there 20 years ago.

So, I will speak well of Acapulco and would recommend a stay at either of these villas. You will have a Houseman with you at all times and will be well taken care of.

One last look at the bay ...

Bless this house and all who enter

Our crew ... Edith (cook), Gabby (housekeeper), Godfredo ("Fredo" - Houseman) & Jairo ("Jake" - Asst. Houseman)

Fredo and Jake arranged everything for us

Heading out to meet Carlos for our ride to the airport (he was on time)

Adios Acapulco!

Beautiful look at the beaches from the air

Nice shot of Puerto Marques, with Acapulco Bay on the far left edge

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