Friday, August 5, 2011

Casa Tres Palabras - Day 1 ACA

The much discussed trip to Acapulco finally happened!

Six "brave Brewers" headed south in spite of the daily news reports of drug related crime across the border. After purchasing a stay at Casa Tres Palabras at a charity auction last fall, we came close to letting it go - which would have been a terrible waste because we were safe and well taken care of the entire trip.

The Dallas Brewers met us at IAH and we climbed on-board our tiny little CO Express Jet ...

Zach was fired up and ready to use his passport for the first time

Luke was ready to show us his almost perfect diving techniques

Upon arrival, we had the fun experience of going through Mexican customs - my favorite part is when they ask you to push a button to activate the random light fixture - you get to enter without any questions unless the light turns red. All of our luggage made it to ACA and soon we were unpacking at the villa.

Casa Tres Palabras and its sister property, Casa Las Colinas, are owned by Beau Theriot, who also owns the Brownstone in Houston and The Oasis in Austin. Casa Tres Palabras means "house of three words" ... I love you. It's a beautiful place - six bedrooms, two pools and an incredible outdoor living and dining area - overlooking Acapulco Bay.

The entrance gate

Beautiful pathway down from the entrance

View of the pools from the upper level

Outdoor living area

Outdoor dining area

The palapa, where we spent most of our time

The bar, of course!

Hallway from the upper rooms to the main living area

You'll notice that there aren't any photos of the rooms - which were nice by Mexico standards - but let's just say they wouldn't ever be mistaken for the Four Seasons. The bathrooms, however, were very nice and taking a shower while looking out over Acapulco Bay was pretty cool.

Saturday afternoon we spent a lot of time in the pools, explored the house and got to know our Houseman - Fredo, and Assistant Houseman - Jake. Our original, conservative game-plan for Mexico (staying at the house) gave way to a full-out "tourist assault" on the city for Day 2.

Enjoying the pool

Melissa using the sun pool

Luke swimming in the shallow sun pool

After a wonderful dinner, we watched the sun set and took in the lights of Acapulco from our palapa.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,I loved your blog. My family and I are planning on staying at Casa Tres Palabras for our Spring Break in March 2014. We have concerns about staying in Acapulco but it seems that the crime has gone down. Did you guys leave the house to go into town? Do you think it is still safe to go there?

    Thanks Carole Strachan
