Sunday, August 28, 2011

What's wrong with this picture?

Our Own Little Hurricane Ike

Our "Ikey" has really settled into a nice pattern this summer ... sleeping & eating in his room every morning and coming downstairs to hang out with me and the boys each afternoon, while I work. His health had been very stable since the last stomach flare-up and you'd never know he has no teeth.

Unfortunately, the last few days he hadn't been himself and so we headed to see Dr. Garrow, since Dr. Rose isn't in the office on Saturdays. He seems to have an upper respiratory infection and his blood panel didn't provide good news.

Although we've struggled with his WBC count from the beginning, we've never had low RBC or HCT readings. This time, they were "off the charts" low.

It's possible that he'll bounce back, but it's also possible that the FIV has progressed into the bone marrow and he is no longer producing the red blood cells he needs. We did fluids, which we'll repeat daily for a few days and then get on a weekly schedule, and we also added a shot of EPO (Epogen) to boost RBC production. We'll do two shots this week and check his blood again in 10 days.

Time will tell - he's a tough old cat and already seems stronger today after spending Saturday on the sofa with Jerry.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is Mom's 84th birthday and we had a nice party to celebrate. Mary, Kent, Toni & Ray brought BBQ baked potatoes and birthday cake to Holly Hall and arranged a beautiful set-up in the "Family Room".

Here's a shot of Memphis patiently waiting for the festivities to begin ...

Making the rounds - visiting!

Memphis picked out this cake, which was delicious

Mom & Memphis discussing the candles

Dad enjoying the lunch ...

Opening presents & Dad couldn't wait to see what was inside

Lots of presents ...

Listening to the "meowing" birthday card

Dad finishing his piece of cake

Lazy Saturday Afternoon ...

We had a rare Saturday afternoon without any commitments and the boys took full advantage ...

While Ike was outside and Jerry got up to get a snack, Denny moved into his chair and set up camp.

Elvis had already hi-jacked D's basket - you'll notice it's WAY too small for him!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bat in the Bedroom!

Well, after three straight years (2007, 2008 & 2009) of having at least one bat get in the house each August, we missed 2010 and I mistakenly took this to mean that spending thousands of dollars to seal every crack and crevice in and around our house, installing a zippered attic door cover and screens on every vent opening, and renewing our "bat contract" with EnviroTeam each year had finally paid off and we would be safe. Not so, my friends!

Tuesday morning, at about 9am, Blanca (our housekeeper) and her daughter Melinda went upstairs to clean the master bedroom. I was working in my office and heard shouting, followed by rapid footsteps on the stairs. Blanca let me know in broken English that something was in the bedroom swooping around.

I knew immediately that it was a bat - it is August, after all - and so I found the police grade LONG flashlight Kent gave me (qualifies as a weapon if necessary) and headed upstairs. Had to get one cat from under the bed and the other from a closet and then the search began. I looked high and low - no bat.

Sent a text to Rusty "BatMan" Jennings and he said he was on the way and would get here as soon as he could. Blanca and I changed the sheets, looked around again and talked ourselves into believing that the thing had flown up into the big AC intake vent. While waiting on Rusty to arrive, they moved to Ike's room to clean and I went downstairs to get some work done.

Soon after, I hear a blood curdling scream - Melinda had found the bat!

They had decided to go back in the master bedroom to finish cleaning and when she picked up and moved my "cat cam" there he was, perched on the top of the TV cabinet, mouth open and trying to look fierce. Needless to say, she was a little shaken!

Luckily, he did not bite her and by the time I got there he wasn't making "threatening faces" any longer. Of course, I was brandishing the flashlight and that kind of makes them shrink up and get scared.

Since this usually happens at night, and Jerry is the only one who is practiced at the "safe bat transfer method", I decided to wait on Rusty. For 45 minutes, Blanca and I took turns keeping the flashlight shining on him. I felt terrible, because he was obviously terrified of us and of being caught out in the daylight.

That said, I really didn't have a choice on capturing and sending him in for testing, because I didn't know how long he had been in the house. They fly out at night, so he had been SOMEWHERE until 9am. The boys didn't really seem to be aware of him, so I'm thinking he was in hiding until Blanca came in the room or they would have been going crazy to catch him.

Here's a good shot of his pointy little face - click the image for full size viewing.

Of course, the "safe transfer method" is not without its faults and the little bugger got caught on the back side of the box lid and flopped out on the carpet when they picked up the box. Luckily, they got the box back on him before he could take off. Like I said, he was really scared and shaking by this time.

My old friend Officer Rico from COH Animal Control came for pick-up and when I opened the door she said "I know you!" I said yes, unfortunately, you DO know me ... ;) No results yet - SURE hope it tests clean.

Like clockwork, Rusty was back for the evening flight out. He checked the attic - no evidence of our own bat colony (yeah!), but heard lots of bats departing from the firewall between us and Harry's house. After checking out a few more places, he settled on the plumbing access doors in the master bedroom (next to my side of the bed) as the entry point. The hinges weren't installed correctly and there was a gap large enough for a bat to easily get through.

Yes, that's masking tape sealing the doors off until we can confirm that there is no other entry point and install screens/reconfigure the doors. The confirmation process involves waiting for another bat to enter the house - I'm not sleeping well.

I shot a video that evening - 10 bats in 29 seconds - if that gives you an idea of how many are living over there. Enjoy!

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Habla Bien de ACA - Day 5 ACA

We saw many banners on local businesses featuring the phrase "Habla Bien de ACA" - encouraging visitors to "speak well of Acapulco". There's even a FaceBook page for visitors to share their experiences. The locals, who seem to be nice, hard-working people, have been hurt badly by the drop in tourism due to gang/drug violence issues.

Jake & Fredo told us that they've had 10 cancellations on purchased trips to Casa Tres Palabras and Casa Las Colinas. The owner even cancelled twice because the guests he was bringing backed out at the last minute. He recently spent two weeks there without incident and we were kept safe during our trip. It's a shame because, in many ways, Acapulco has improved since our last trip there 20 years ago.

So, I will speak well of Acapulco and would recommend a stay at either of these villas. You will have a Houseman with you at all times and will be well taken care of.

One last look at the bay ...

Bless this house and all who enter

Our crew ... Edith (cook), Gabby (housekeeper), Godfredo ("Fredo" - Houseman) & Jairo ("Jake" - Asst. Houseman)

Fredo and Jake arranged everything for us

Heading out to meet Carlos for our ride to the airport (he was on time)

Adios Acapulco!

Beautiful look at the beaches from the air

Nice shot of Puerto Marques, with Acapulco Bay on the far left edge

Mi Casa Es Su Casa - Day 4 ACA

Tuesday was our day to relax and hang around the villa. Zach was up early and at the chess board with Jason.

Luke had spectacular "morning hair"

We swam and then Luke got the idea he should dive off of the big rock - he didn't actually do it, but he did try to climb up there.

We enjoyed "Beatle-fest" - courtesy of Jason's iPod - this is Zach's air guitar!

It really is a pretty place

I finally got a few good shots of our mystery bird. These things are all around and they make lots of noise and have a good time. We tried to determine what they were, but couldn't find a match in my iBird application - even though there are well over 900 birds in the database.

If you're familiar with this guy, please email me and let me know what it is!

Check out that head! It has a bizarre pattern with some fluffier feathers on top.

We loved this house down below us with its own helicopter landing pad. Jerry and I took a long walk early Tuesday morning and almost got down the mountain that far.

The lime green building is Sr. Frogs and just past there you'll see the restaurant where we ate dinner.

Luke wasn't feeling well, so he and Melissa stayed at the villa while Jerry, Jason, Zach and I went to dinner at Becco ala Mare - delicious Italian seafood place with a wonderful view.

Good wine, food and a beautiful sunset!

Tres Vidas - Day 3 ACA

Monday morning started with fresh fruit, juice and a beautiful view

We've had schefflera plants for years, but never one that bloomed!

Jerry ... waiting on Carlos

Monkeying around

Our friend Ramon made arrangements with his client - who lives in Mexico City, but owns a home in Acapulco - for us to use his country club membership at Tres Vidas.

Turns out that Carlos was out until dawn (again) with the guests in Casa Las Colinas and missed our 10am pick-up entirely. Fredo improvised by loading us all into his VW Jetta and driving us out there. We were OK with this because Carlos actually had two "fender benders" on our tour the day before. Apparently, he doesn't drive well with no sleep!

It was a beautiful place - Jerry and Jason played golf

... and Melissa, the boys and I enjoyed the club.

REALLY enjoyed this pool

Just past the pool, there was a beautiful "black sand" beach - it was very soft

A huge piece of driftwood had washed up down the beach

The waves were large, but after some prompting Luke and Zach jumped in.

Since we were the only guests in this area of the club, the lifeguard came out and stood next to the boys - to fish them out of the waves if necessary - and later he offered to teach them to boogie board. Zach was an enthusiastic participant.

Here they are paddling out for the first time

Good ride!

We watched from the beach - amazed at how fearless Zach was in the big waves

He really caught on quickly and seemed unconcerned the few times he "wiped-out"

You can see how high the waves were - it wasn't easy to get out there!

I love this picture because he's really gotten the hang of it and looks like a natural - using his arms to steer instead of holding onto the board

Luke got in two good rides, as well

The guys only played 12 holes and came back a little early for lunch and beach time

After we all got cleaned up, we shot some family photos