Sunday, April 25, 2010

March of Dimes ... Team Brewer

This morning, we participated in the March of Dimes annual "walk for babies" in honor of Karsyn & Kaden, who are doing well under the watchful eyes of God and the TCH NICU!

Team Brewer, organized by one of Kim's good friends.

Jerry and Brady before the event kicked off.

Brady wearing the team prayer bracelet ... it says Believe in Miracles on the blue side and Pray for Karsyn & Kaden on the pink side.

Cooper, Tristan & Brady ... good friends having fun before the walk.

Bethany's creative design on the Team T-shirt!

And on the back ...

I will confess here that we didn't walk the entire 6.2 miles, but we had a great time and raised a lot of money for research that benefits preemies and low birth weight babies.

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