Sunday, April 25, 2010

March of Dimes ... Team Brewer

This morning, we participated in the March of Dimes annual "walk for babies" in honor of Karsyn & Kaden, who are doing well under the watchful eyes of God and the TCH NICU!

Team Brewer, organized by one of Kim's good friends.

Jerry and Brady before the event kicked off.

Brady wearing the team prayer bracelet ... it says Believe in Miracles on the blue side and Pray for Karsyn & Kaden on the pink side.

Cooper, Tristan & Brady ... good friends having fun before the walk.

Bethany's creative design on the Team T-shirt!

And on the back ...

I will confess here that we didn't walk the entire 6.2 miles, but we had a great time and raised a lot of money for research that benefits preemies and low birth weight babies.

Spring Doves

Our new spring doves continue to thrive and have been out of the nest ~ working on their flying skills ~ for about a month. This past week, they started hanging out on the front steps when they need to rest and they come inside the iron gates on the front porch when they're worried about something "getting them" from outside.

Here's a close up ... their feathers are all in and they're looking pretty good. Don't know when the feathers change out to the soft gray like the adults.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday with Brady

Sunday morning we went to Texas Children's to check in on the babies and to pick up Brady for a day of fun at the Aquarium. Since he was going into the NICU, they had to confirm that Brady didn't have fever. When you pass inspection, they give you a sticker!

Brady and Jerry looking in on Kaden. It looks like he's waving at them.

We left the hospital and came to the house to "see Grandpa's cats" and to watch a movie. That movie part didn't hold much weight, but Brady thought Sully and Mike were funny in Monsters, Inc. By the time we arrived at the Aquarium for lunch, the weather was threatening.

Here are Jerry, Brady & Sharkey ...

If you've never been there, the restaurant wraps around a GIANT aquarium with huge sting rays, parrot fish and a bunch of other stuff. Jerry is studying the menu and wishing he had brought his reading glasses and Brady is watching the aquarium.

We had BIG PLANS for the afternoon, but when we finished our meal and arrived back at the door it was raining. Pouring, actually. Jerry's first response when he saw the sheets of rain coming down was "Oh, Lord!", to which Brady replied "Oh, Lord!". We have definitely reached the point with Brady where anything you say is being recorded and played back - possibly at an inopportune moment!

The other funny thing is that Brady now notices every noise and often asks about it. The bell on the elevator ... "what was that noise? is it a train?" So we're driving around with the radio on and I'm singing along and Jerry is humming along, next thing we hear is Brady humming - loudly and somewhat off key - from the back seat. Too funny!

Since we couldn't ride the train through the shark tunnel or do any of the other outdoor activities at the Aquarium, we headed to Swirl for frozen yogurt (aka, ice cream). After the ice cream, we hit the road to Pearland and Brady lasted about 2 minutes before falling asleep.

He got in a great nap and woke up just as we were pulling into the driveway.

Doves & Roses

After the big freeze, we lost a few of our favorite patio plants - some we've moved with us since the Bayou Woods days in the '80s. Jerry's been nurturing the survivors and these roses have gone wild!

Beautiful blooms ...

I got a few nice shots when they were at their peak with raindrops on their petals.

Remember our baby doves? Here are some updated photos ~ they're almost grown!

Baby Dove "B" ...

Baby Dove "A" ...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Karsyn & Kaden

I shot some photos of the babies on Sunday afternoon, while the tops were off of their beds. Their new "pod" at Texas Children's is very nice and it was great to see Karsyn moving around and opening her eyes.

Ms. Karsyn stretched out full length.

Kaden racked out after being held.

Follow their progress on Kim's blog at

Remember the Alamo

Last Friday night, Jerry and I went to a Chicago concert at the Majestic in San Antonio. They were EXCELLENT and you all know how much I love it when a concert starts on time and ends before midnight. They were in rare form and played for about 2 hours. San Antonio was fun ... lots of GREAT food!

Since we were staying on the River (more on this later) we decided to visit the Alamo, which I hadn't been to since the early '90s on a Texas Commerce Bank video shoot. It's always interesting to revisit landmarks you were taken to as a child ~ in some ways they always seem smaller than you remembered.

It's impossible to get a clean shot of the front of the Alamo, so here's a nice one of the front roof line.

Tourists headed in for a look around.

The Mission Well and Live Oak.

Monument ...

While in SA, we saw some things we've never seen before ... PINK bluebonnets.

... an orchid tree

... and this interesting bird with big red spots on his wings!

Here's another shot with the bird's wings open so you can see the red feathers.

These little creatures were hanging out at the Quarry Golf Course on the rocks/sidewalls of the quarry. Don't know what they are, but they were cute.

Here he is wondering what in the world I'm doing watching him instead of Jerry playing golf!

Speaking of golf ... this course is really beautiful.

As you can see the weather was threatening (and cold), but it didn't rain.

Great shot!

Lots of wildflowers ...

... and big rocks on the quarry side.

We had dinner at an old favorite ... Paesano's. Billie, the Shrimp Paesano was "molto bene"! Wish you could have joined us, but you probably made the right decision. It was a madhouse on the river and would have been a major hassle for you to park and get through the crowds.

Here's a nice shot of the river.

I should stop right here, but I have to share my opinion about the Hilton Palacio del Rio, in case any of you are headed to SA anytime soon.

We have had so many great experiences at the Hilton Park Cities in Dallas that I decided to give them a try. Now, I knew I should have booked us at the Mariott RiverCenter or La Mansion, but after looking at the Hilton website I decided to go for it.

We arrived at noon and learned that there is basically no self-parking and that valet is $35 a day. That's not a typo ... THIRTY FIVE dollars a day to park a car in San Antonio, TX. So after schlepping all of our things - with NO ASSISTANCE from the Hotel - into the lobby, we are turned back at check-in because our room was not ready. "Come back after lunch ... "

Lunch was great (Mexican food and margarita) and when we returned to the Hilton we carried our belongings back into the hotel, again with no assistance. Got the room keys and headed upstairs. My upgrade to a "high floor with river view" netted us a room on the 8th floor.

When we stepped from the elevator we were slapped in the face with the stench of cheap room freshener - no doubt over-sprayed to cover some other stench! You could not walk on the bathroom floor without wearing shoes because it had that late-night movie theater slip & slide texture - even wearing running shoes.

So after investing a healthy sum in this hotel stay - and paying extra for a "river view" - THIS is what we saw out our balcony window.

and this ...

In their defence, if you went to the edge of the balcony and looked straight down you could see the river.

Personally, I'll never darken the door of the Hilton Palacio del Rio again!

Monday, April 12, 2010


I shot some nice Bluebonnet photos last week ...

A sea of Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes.

Hill Country? No, the freeway by our house!

TexDot didn't get the Woodway exit right, but they sure did a great job spreading wildflower seeds!

New Rugs!

On Easter weekend, we moved our old, faded balcony rug to the 2nd floor and spruced up the 3rd floor balcony with new rugs for spring.

Matching rug for the "sunny side" of the balcony.

Denny enjoying the view.

LOVING the new rugs! So much better than those rough wooden boards.

An Elvis rug.

El taking over Little's balcony spot.

The Elvis statue.

Jerry on the phone, wishing the weather was better so he could play golf.

Catnip crazy ...

going wild!

Hanging around ...