Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!

We spent a quiet New Years weekend in Galveston. It was cold, but that didn't keep the boys off the balcony.

Have to replace our old outdoor rug this spring, but check out this CLEAN deck surface. A couple of weeks before Christmas Jerry moved all the furniture off the decks and I power washed them. It's amazing what can accumulate on a wooden deck in 26 years!

Denny is always DELIGHTED to spend time on that deck ... he doesn't care if its 100 degrees or 40 with the wind blowing out of the north. That's the first place he goes when gets to the beach.

Here's Little, looking bright-eyed over the pelicans that have moved in over at the old marina.

My sweet "D"

Yoga cat ...

Jungle Elvis munching on the ponytail palm.

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