Friday, January 8, 2010

Blades of Glory ... sort of

Zach wanted to go ice skating on his birthday - a Murphy family tradition - so Kim, Brady and I tagged along. I had a vision of popping on some double-bladed skates and s-l-o-w-l-y moving around the ice with Brady. Many, many things wrong with that game plan ... starting with the fact that they don't have double-bladed skates at Memorial City. Enough said.

I did rent skates and take one lap around the ice ... not skating, more like CLINGING to the side of the rink. I was able to move away from the side walls - sort of "London Bridge" style - each time a small child (moving faster than me) needed to pass, but that was the extent of it.

Anyway, it was a hoot and the non-skaters we were the official paparazzi for the outing. Any of you who like to skate should check out Memorial City - the ice was great (according to Lorraine, a life-long, expert skater) and they have other activities AND a California Pizza Kitchen nearby.

Melissa having fun with sister Chris.

Murphys on ice!

Melissa and Luke ... he's become a great little skater. See video finale below!

Melissa took over with Brady when I flaked out. He was fearless. Probably buoyed by Melissa's skating skills!

Lorraine teaching Joshua to skate. I overheard her telling him to "step, step, slide" and I'm thinking that was advice I could have used earlier in the day!

Aunt Chris and Zach were tearing up the ice ...

Looks like ice dancing to me!

Well, this looks a little questionable, but he's not holding onto the side of the rink so he's doing pretty good.

Circling back to Melissa ... that was great fun!

Here's a cute little video with a few action shots - you'll be impressed with Luke's spin!

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