Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Little Perspective on Hurricane Ike

The Galveston Historical Society is selling bronze plaques so Galvestonians can mark the "debris line" or high water mark from Hurricane Ike. The plaques are actually a fundraiser for their restoration projects. Anyway, a little burger joint/bar at the corner of Post Office and 21st - the Stork Club - took the concept to another level by researching and posting the high water marks for each notable storm. It's a little hard to read the plaques from the wide shot, but provides some perspective on storm surges.

The lowest water mark is from Alicia in 1983

Followed by Carla in '61

Then the 1900 and 1915 storms

WAY above the rest is the water mark from Ike. It's not as powerful in a photo, but when you stand next to it and understand how high THE OCEAN was, with waves on top of that, it's pretty amazing that anything was left standing on the island.

It really makes you wonder what things looked like over on Bolivar where everything was completely destroyed!

Galveston Updates ...

Here are a few photos of Galveston. Our freshly planted flowerbed survived the deep freeze - of course, we had to drive down to cover them and back to uncover them - but they fared pretty well.

Another view with my "rusty pelican".

It's been a few months, but I FINALLY repainted the extra bedroom. Got rid of the leopard spots left by the construction guys and painted the hall a lighter color to reflect a little more light.

Extra bedroom ...

I don't know what that strange "greenish reflection" is, but the paint is a SOLID color!

Jerry even managed to get the TV cable run under the carpet without an emergency room visit. It did require Neosporin antibiotic ointment for several days. Carpet tacks are brutal!

It's a Girl ... and a BOY!

I'm a little late in posting this, but we got the good news on Jeff & Kim's twins. One is a girl and the other is a boy.

They've selected names ... Karsyn Jane Brewer for the girl and Kaden James Brewer for the boy.

It's pretty cool that Brady will have a little brother & a "little princess" sister.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Food Fight in the Wild Kingdom!

New Year's Day I was on the balcony with Denny and shot a series of photos worthy of the "food fight" scene in Animal House. If you like nature - and pelicans - you'll love this ...

It all started when a fisherman left a partially filleted fish on the side of the dock. The first seagull grabbed it, but the fish was so heavy it dropped him head first into the water.

Here is the object of desire, surrounded by seagulls in flight.

Another seagull makes an attempt before trouble arrives ...

Brown pelican chases the seagulls away. They're not happy - you can see the back seagull's mouth open.

Check out the wake behind this big white pelican as he lands. I wish I could have gotten the shot with his feet extended as he hit the water.

Another brown pelican moving into position.

He's got a bite of something in his "pouch" and the other is eyeing it.

"Give me that!" More participants arrive on scene.

Lead white pelican has a piece of fish and is being pursued by the others!

Too late! Down the hatch.

Meanwhile, back at the dock, a dual has broken out over the remaining pieces of fish.

"You won that battle, but not the war."

At it again - it's two against one with the hopeful seagull hovering overhead.

This is getting ugly. The others stand back while the lead competitors tear the fish apart.

"I've got mine!"

Remaining contestants working on the last piece.

Oops ... down the hatch again!

Not Seen in Years ...

You guys know I love pelicans and we've had several pairs of brown pelicans living at the old marina for a few years. The white pelicans usually travel all the way down the coast to south Texas, but this winter we have three pairs!

Our "herd" of white pelicans ...

Bottoms up!

I love this picture with the sun reflecting off their white feathers!

Happy New Year!

We spent a quiet New Years weekend in Galveston. It was cold, but that didn't keep the boys off the balcony.

Have to replace our old outdoor rug this spring, but check out this CLEAN deck surface. A couple of weeks before Christmas Jerry moved all the furniture off the decks and I power washed them. It's amazing what can accumulate on a wooden deck in 26 years!

Denny is always DELIGHTED to spend time on that deck ... he doesn't care if its 100 degrees or 40 with the wind blowing out of the north. That's the first place he goes when gets to the beach.

Here's Little, looking bright-eyed over the pelicans that have moved in over at the old marina.

My sweet "D"

Yoga cat ...

Jungle Elvis munching on the ponytail palm.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Blades of Glory ... sort of

Zach wanted to go ice skating on his birthday - a Murphy family tradition - so Kim, Brady and I tagged along. I had a vision of popping on some double-bladed skates and s-l-o-w-l-y moving around the ice with Brady. Many, many things wrong with that game plan ... starting with the fact that they don't have double-bladed skates at Memorial City. Enough said.

I did rent skates and take one lap around the ice ... not skating, more like CLINGING to the side of the rink. I was able to move away from the side walls - sort of "London Bridge" style - each time a small child (moving faster than me) needed to pass, but that was the extent of it.

Anyway, it was a hoot and the non-skaters we were the official paparazzi for the outing. Any of you who like to skate should check out Memorial City - the ice was great (according to Lorraine, a life-long, expert skater) and they have other activities AND a California Pizza Kitchen nearby.

Melissa having fun with sister Chris.

Murphys on ice!

Melissa and Luke ... he's become a great little skater. See video finale below!

Melissa took over with Brady when I flaked out. He was fearless. Probably buoyed by Melissa's skating skills!

Lorraine teaching Joshua to skate. I overheard her telling him to "step, step, slide" and I'm thinking that was advice I could have used earlier in the day!

Aunt Chris and Zach were tearing up the ice ...

Looks like ice dancing to me!

Well, this looks a little questionable, but he's not holding onto the side of the rink so he's doing pretty good.

Circling back to Melissa ... that was great fun!

Here's a cute little video with a few action shots - you'll be impressed with Luke's spin!

Choo-choo ...

Memorial City Mall is a blast at Christmas time ... couldn't resist riding this cool train.

Brady & Kim having fun in the box car ...

There they go!