Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Too Many Patients & Not Enough Nurses!

I'm glad that my big patient is mobile again ~ Jerry's foot is healing nicely after the orthoplasty (sp?) and he's back driving around and walking with a limp. Still swollen but that's normal for many months. My next patient is IKE and he had surgery today to remove his remaining "canine teeth" along with two others that were in terrible shape.

If you're squeamish STOP reading.

It seems that the sinus drainage and periodic bloody discharge from his nose was never related to the FIV ... it was caused by the upper canine & root that was so infected it had eaten through to his sinus cavity, causing a massive infection.

Much flushing of the sinus cavity, then stitching of his gums, continued antibiotics and pain meds and once he recovers he should be in good shape. The good news is that the FIV is just sort of living in the background and not causing any symptoms.

Knowing that I like to see everything, Dr. Rose had the vet tech take a photo of her flushing his tooth cavity after the extraction and water shooting out Ike's nose. Nice.

Knowing his personality and how happy and cooperative he has been, it is unbelievable that he has been enduring this level of pain. Honestly, he is a very special cat. Just think of all he has been through in his life ~ which, by the way ~ is MUCH longer than we had estimated. Dr. Rose says he's WELL OVER TEN!

He's happy to be back in his room and is still a little glassy eyed. He has to eat baby food for a few days before resuming a soft diet. Dr. Rose said he'll probably go back to eating some crunchy food in a few weeks and will just gum it or grind it up with his remaining back teeth. She wasn't concerned about him not having teeth.

Here's something to think about ... what costs more?
  • A pedigreed Maine Coon who's grandfather was the #2 Maine Coon in the nation and who has lived with us for 5 years
  • OR a geriatric street cat from Galveston who has only been with us for 11 months

Well, I guess none of them can top Little after his thyroid surgery and 7 day stay at Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists. It was a jolt, but they're worth every penny!

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