Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In the Beginning ...

Here are the "before" photos of the master bathroom. I want to confess that I am responsible for the wild, striped wallpaper, but I am NOT responsible for the "Miami Vice" wall mirrors with the beveled accents. In my defense, the purple and taupe striped paper was a vast improvement over the hot pink the former owners had used everywhere.

This bathroom also had the lowered ceiling, with large can lights & no fixtures ~ vanity of cultured marble, which I was originally going to save. One sad thing about tearing these bathrooms up was demolishing the tile floor that our friend Chris Allen installed when we bought the house in December of 1999. Chris passed away late last year after battling cancer for quite a while.

The original vanity was functional and looked nice, but the drawback of this bathroom was the closed in feel, unnecessary walls and original placement of the shower & toilet. The concept was good, but the effect was a very small, "T-shaped" room.

The short wall with the electrical switches/plugs has been removed in the new bathroom

This wall has been removed and the shower/tub has switched places with the toilet for a more open feel in the remodeled version.

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