Monday, October 13, 2014

Skinner Farm

Sunday morning, we headed to Rockdale to refresh the flowers on my parents and grandparents graves and to visit with Uncle Bo & Ed, who were having their monthly work weekend at the farm. We met at the Mexican Restaurant for breakfast and then headed to the cemetery in town.

Red was Grandma's favorite color!
The little greenish ones in the center were just an accent.

Since the older flowers still looked nice, we "recycled" them and perked up Mama West's grave too.

As we were heading to the country, we stopped by the Rockdale Depot, which has been restored and looks great.  I even found a few bricks out front by donated friends of Grandma Skinner ... names like Backhaus and Noack/Perry bring back memories from spending time in Rockdale each summer.

Onward to Harmony Cemetery ...

Of course, Mom's favorite color was purple!

I'm adding in Jimmie Lee's grave for family who may want to remember the dates.  Was happy I had some extra flowers to perk up her arrangement.  Having just been in Waco, I was thinking about all the day-trips with Grandma to visit her cousin ... eating lunch at the Piccadilly Cafeteria and saving leftover bites of cornbread for her poodle named Whisper.

Spent a little time at the cabin and looking at the cows before heading back to Houston.

Seems a little out of place in a rustic cabin,
but this is one of Grandma Skinner's paintings.
It hung in her living room as long as I can remember.


Uncle Bozo and Ed - ready to get back to work!

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