Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Squirrel Update

I'm happy to report that the squirrels have made it through the worst of winter - fat & happy with a steady diet of pecans and bird food!

I was a little worried about "crinkle ears" because I didn't see him through the cold snaps, but he's back at the feeder.  I think the others were bringing him pecans so he didn't have to get out during the bad weather ... he's the grandfather of the group.

This is Lefty's little sister and she comes every afternoon, when the other squirrels have gone away and she doesn't have to compete for time in the feeder.

And while going through photos on my phone I came across these that I never posted of Lefty from November.  Crazy as it sounds, I sure miss that squirrel in the feeder each day.

The Dallas Brewers gave me this stone squirrel as part of my Christmas present - purchased before Lefty's untimely death - and it sits on the front porch near the special snack container.  Only Lefty's brother, sister and one other squirrel are brave enough to come through the bars and look for treats like peanuts and pecans.

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