Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Rest in Peace, Lefty

Aug/Sept - Dec 4, 2013

I'm backdating this post, as things were too sad and hectic the day he was killed.  I don't want to dwell on his death, but when I went out to fill the feeder the morning of December 4th, I found him in the street.  He had made a nest of his own in a tree several houses down from ours and that's where he was hit and killed.  The driver can answer for their behavior - speeding and leaving an animal dead in the road - when their time comes.  He's buried in a pretty purple Christmas gift bag in the front flowerbed, where he first joined our menagerie.  I miss seeing him in the feeder holding his food with his elbow and one good paw and I miss him chattering at me when I stood by to let him eat his fill before the older squirrels took over.  Godspeed Lefty.

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