Friday, March 8, 2013

Return of the "Bobcat"

This post marks both the return of the "bobcat" and my return to blogging. 
At the first of the year, I really weighed the balance of blogging vs. social media and vowed to keep the blog up and running.  Since that time, I've worked a lot, had some fun and basically stopped shooting photos with a "real camera", making the blogging a bit more time consuming.
My years-old Kodak digital camera is ready for the camera graveyard, but I've never figured out the best option as a replacement and it seems that there's always something else to think about.  Since I've been using my iPhone 4S camera(s) almost exclusively, I just haven't taken the time to transfer, PhotoShop and organize months and months worth of photos ... a situation I know I'll regret.
So, with the "summer rush" of events behind me, I'm back-dating posts to catch up!
After a 12 year absence from the Houston area, Bill "Bobcat" Hudson made an appearance - lasting a pleasant 4 days.  Jerry organized a fun get together with many of the guys & gals from Austin High School on Thursday night when he arrived.  Friday night we had a great seafood dinner at Segari's, followed by Pizza at Star on Saturday and Bill's departure on Sunday afternoon.
Here are Jerry & Bill at Segari's toasting a life-long friendship ...

This isn't a great photo of me - I was actually having a nicer time than the look on my face might imply ... ;)

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