Sunday, March 17, 2013

2013 Rodeo Houston

The Salt Grass Trail Ride in February marks the kick-off of Rodeo Season and, this year, we made it out to see two shows:  Kenny Chesney and George Strait.

March 12th we took advantage of Brenda's Rodeo connections and enjoyed Kenny Chesney from the comfort of Chairman's Club seats. Here we are after the show, enjoying a nice bottle of wine in the Director's Club.  It's nice to have friends in high places!!

Although the ticket prices were astronomical, we had to see George in his final Rodeo performance on March 17th. 

Everyone knows the story of how George Strait became a star - in 1983, when Eddie Rabbitt became ill, Rodeo organizers called George to ask if he would fill in.  Surprised and honored to have been asked, he said yes and they flew him in from San Antonio an hour before show time.  He debuted to a crowd of 34,599 Rodeo fans and the rest, as they say, is history!

George appeared almost every year during the 30 years since that life-changing performance, closing out the schedule for the last Rodeo in the Astrodome and opening the Rodeo the following year in Reliant Stadium ... two incredible performances that Jerry and I were happy to have attended.

As you can see from these shots, the place was packed - he sold out Reliant.  It was a great show and he seemed a bit sad to close out that last set.   The Cowboy Rides Away, indeed.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Boys

The boys ... chillin' out after having company for 4 days!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Return of the "Bobcat"

This post marks both the return of the "bobcat" and my return to blogging. 
At the first of the year, I really weighed the balance of blogging vs. social media and vowed to keep the blog up and running.  Since that time, I've worked a lot, had some fun and basically stopped shooting photos with a "real camera", making the blogging a bit more time consuming.
My years-old Kodak digital camera is ready for the camera graveyard, but I've never figured out the best option as a replacement and it seems that there's always something else to think about.  Since I've been using my iPhone 4S camera(s) almost exclusively, I just haven't taken the time to transfer, PhotoShop and organize months and months worth of photos ... a situation I know I'll regret.
So, with the "summer rush" of events behind me, I'm back-dating posts to catch up!
After a 12 year absence from the Houston area, Bill "Bobcat" Hudson made an appearance - lasting a pleasant 4 days.  Jerry organized a fun get together with many of the guys & gals from Austin High School on Thursday night when he arrived.  Friday night we had a great seafood dinner at Segari's, followed by Pizza at Star on Saturday and Bill's departure on Sunday afternoon.
Here are Jerry & Bill at Segari's toasting a life-long friendship ...

This isn't a great photo of me - I was actually having a nicer time than the look on my face might imply ... ;)