Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Big Apple - Day 2

We kicked off Thursday with a Starbucks and a visit to the Today Show outdoor set. Didn't stay long, but caught Ann & Matt tearing into some BBQ!

Tasir sent his car service to pick up Jerry mid-morning and he headed to the new Yankee Stadium. I headed to Saks!

I'm not sure why Jerry forgot that his iPhone has a horizontal mode, but you get the general idea ... it's a ball park!

After I walked miles and miles and Jerry had witnessed the Yankees beat the Rangers in extra innings, we headed to Maloney & Porcelli for dinner. No photos, but it was delicious! Feeling like we should walk a little more after sharing a piece of coconut cake, we headed down Park Ave.

This shot is looking south towards the Met Life building that IS in the middle of the road - a very interesting tunnel/bridge system routes traffic around the building. Always fun at 100 miles per hour in the back of a taxi!

Looking north ... (I wasn't in any danger)

One of the cool things about New York is that you never know who or WHAT you might see. This artist's installation of a GIANT teddy bear lamp caught our attention.

Photo doesn't do it justice!

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