Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"New Dos" for Mom & Dad

Yesterday, I loaded up Mom & Dad and we headed to their afternoon appointment at Kelsey-Seybold. Upon arrival, we learned that the other podiatrist had called in sick and Dr. Toole was having to cover his patients too. Our appointment was pushed back over an hour and I had a meeting at 6pm so we had to leave.

Instead of getting their feet checked out, we went to get Mom's hair cut and styled. It turned out great - just hoping that Janie at Holly Hall can style it each week.

Dad waited in the car while they worked on Mom's hair - he said he wasn't bored because he was reading the signs on the neighboring business and they kept changing around so he always had something to look at. LOL!

Last week Dad had an appointment with his palliative care doctor and afterwards we stopped off to get his hair & nails trimmed. He was sporting his "new do" yesterday too!

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