Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day

We had a nice weekend in Galveston ... feeding the seagulls

Elvis & Denny were mesmerized by the bird activity & Ike wasn't interested. He must have seen enough seagulls while homeless.

Lots of pelicans patrolling the beach ...

They do look a little prehistoric, don't they?

This kite surfer was getting a wild ride with all the wind!

And our favorite activity ... kicking back on the balcony

... watching the boaters at the marina

... napping

... and reading.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


My little dove couple hatched a single egg earlier this year and she's been sitting very high on the nest again lately. Finally caught her during a time out and this is what I found ... twin doves!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"New Dos" for Mom & Dad

Yesterday, I loaded up Mom & Dad and we headed to their afternoon appointment at Kelsey-Seybold. Upon arrival, we learned that the other podiatrist had called in sick and Dr. Toole was having to cover his patients too. Our appointment was pushed back over an hour and I had a meeting at 6pm so we had to leave.

Instead of getting their feet checked out, we went to get Mom's hair cut and styled. It turned out great - just hoping that Janie at Holly Hall can style it each week.

Dad waited in the car while they worked on Mom's hair - he said he wasn't bored because he was reading the signs on the neighboring business and they kept changing around so he always had something to look at. LOL!

Last week Dad had an appointment with his palliative care doctor and afterwards we stopped off to get his hair & nails trimmed. He was sporting his "new do" yesterday too!

Changes in Galveston

Everyone knows about the damage Hurricane Ike caused in Galveston and to the historic Flagship Hotel. It's remained untouched for over two years, but in the last few weeks the Fertitta Group has gotten busy in demolishing the original hotel.

As we were driving by on Jerry's Birthday - on our way to see Steve Tyrell at The Grand - we were surprised by this sight ...

Hard to believe, but another icon is gone

... soon to be replaced by a more modern - less moldy - version

Another familiar Galveston sight has also met its demise - unfortunately one of the beautiful palms in our "back yard" has died. We've enjoyed that tree for almost 15 years and it has withstood the wrath of many tropical storms and several hurricanes. Sad to see it go.

Jerry at the Crescent

Great photo of Jerry crossing the finish line in New Orleans!

All of these events have photographers who shoot lots of photos and then painstakingly catalog them by race number and post them for sale after the race. Neither of our photos from Capitol 10K were worthy of the purchase price. Mine from Crescent City Classic was pretty good, although my eyes were closed - I'm sure I was praying to not pass out in front of the photographers! - so I only bought Jerry's.

He looks like he's finishing strong ...

March of Dimes - Walk for Babies

On Sunday, May 1st, Jerry and I joined Team Karsyn & Kaden at UofH to walk for babies with thousands of March of Dimes supporters. Admittedly we took the "family friendly" route - 2.5 miles instead of 5 - but it was just the right length for our crew with lots of little ones.

These photos were taken by the event photographers ~ here's the team ...

A fun shot of Jeff ... looking happy and energetic at the start of the walk.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


It's a hard decision to alter the feature that first attracted you to your home, but after 43+ years our front window unit had gone past its prime. After much research and deliberation, we had a new double-pane, aluminum-clad window built and 3 months later it was ready for install.

Our original window ...

Sad to see it go

The crew carefully and meticulously completed the demo work

After some alterations to the brick, the new window was installed

Almost there!

It was a TRAUMATIC day for the cats, but Elvis is now enjoying the expanded view. Poor boys were moved from room to room as the work was completed - over 12 hours to replace "the office" window, french doors upstairs and the windows in Ike's room.

Upstairs - before

Upstairs - new and improved

And now the windows are covered at night with poster-sized "post-it" sheets, because our shutters have to be ordered and won't be ready for install for several weeks. It's a process ...

Easter Display

Our New Orleans hotel had a beautiful pair of Easter displays ...