Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

After every forecaster from local news to NWS to international forecasters in London predicting 1 - 3 inches of snow in Houston on Thursday night, all we got was ice!

Schools and businesses closed, flights were cancelled and airports closed ... millions in revenue was lost and there was not one single flake. Granted, there were over 800 reported car accidents in Houston because of the ice, but it was a great disappointment to all that there was no snow.

Here are a few photos from around the house ...

When it's going to freeze, I always open our patio umbrellas to help insulate the plants and keep the cold air from reaching the ground. Here's what we saw when I put the small umbrella down yesterday morning ...

Completely coated in ice!

Bird feeder on back patio ...

... turned into an ice rink for birds.

Queen palm branch bent low with ice.

BBQ pit completely covered.

Out in front, the crepe myrtles had a pretty coating.

... and there were icicles on our neighbor's house.

Out in back, an uncovered sago palm sports "ice balls" on every tip.

Even though it was wrapped, our neighbor's faucet leaked and created a large icicle.

Not that we can believe them, but forecasters think we'll have one more cold event next week and then we should be sailing into summer. Probably more quickly than we would like!

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